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The Real-Time Notification Inbox

In-app & Push Notifications for Progressive Web Apps.

Along with Email, Slack, APNS & FCM!

Start For Free!

Notifications made with love

  • Improve your user experience with smart notifications the moment they are needed.

  • Launch a cross-channel notification strategy in days - not months.

  • Sync up notifications across devices and tabs. Avoid notifying a user twice.

There is so much more you can do with our SDKs and integrations.

Take MagicBell for a spin!

From Zero to Magic in an hour

Launch quickly without compromising on the design or developer experience of your team.


Do it yourself

  • Customize the design

    Use our editor to customize the inbox with your brand colors and style guide.

    6 mins


    Spend weeks designing and coding up all the components - frames, templates, and buttons.

    2 weeks

  • Copy code

    Copy the code and add MagicBell to your product to get all the functionality!

    6 mins


    Code up all the functionality - infinite scroll, real-time updates, callbacks, etc.

    4 weeks

  • Send notifications

    Send notifications using our API or the Compose button in our dashboard.

    10 mins


    Build an interface to send announcements and product updates.

    6 weeks

Save time and money. Focus on your core features
and let us handle the notifications.

Why MagicBell

Explore the world of notifications

We are your sherpas to the exciting, yet complex world of notifications.

Launch in an hour

Let us prove that building a great notification system doesn’t have to take months.

Sign up